Got a great fundraising idea? Get your friends and family involved and host your very own event! Here’s our top picks: 

Quiz Night  

Whether it's music, celebrities or general knowledge, everyone loves a good quiz! You could host at home, in a local bar, rent out a space or even do it online! You could even make it themed and hold a competition for best dressed! 

Sell your clutter  

Have a good clear out and sell your unwanted items online and donate all proceeds to ExternOne man’s trash is another man’s treasure!  

Car Wash

A classic fundraising idea! Advertise a car wash in your local area for cheap, and you'll have customers lining up for their cars to be cleaned! 

Football Competition 

Do you have a passion for football? Why not arrange a 5-aside football tournament! Rent out a space (or try and get it for free), invite all your friends, family, colleagues, arrange them into teams and charge a small playing fee! You could even advertise in local shops and online to appeal to the public! 

Sell your skills 

Do you have a particular skill you could teach to others? Lead an in person or online class for cash! It could be yoga, aerobics, knitting, cooking or whatever you fancy! 

If you’re interested in organising your own fundraiser, request a free fundraising pack below or get in touch with the fundraising department at [email protected] 

Request a free fundraising pack 

Every donation, big or small, really does make a difference to the people who are supported by Extern.

Thank you and happy fundraising! 

